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2013 janv. 6


rene biname

le pere noel

noel et cetera




drunk n roll

442 rue

lipstick vibrators

she's so dirty

the prick

attitude records


Shut Up

Speed date with the devil

trauma social

uncommon men from mars

guess what ?

easy cure

ufo prod /effervessence record/delete your favorite records


mangez moi les burnes

destockage massif

auto prod

groovie ghoulies

beast with  5 hands

monster club

stardumb record

sons of buddha

robots ands aliens

the apers of buddha

guerilla asso /watersliderecord/dirtywitch

uncommon men from mars

jim got in a fight with brian molko

easy cure

fiction romance

les oublies de la republique

le luxe ne connait pas la crise

trauma social / stygmate /kanal hysterik abracadaboum mass prod

Claque 40

mon travailleur social

Chute de classe

auto prod

Attentat Sonore


Opération : infiltration

mass prod abracadaboum zone one konstroy

Les Fossoyeurs Septik

la haine

anarko folk pas content



sweet lust

La societe elle a mauvaise haleine

tolerance zero

uncommon men from mars

the only way make it through the day

Easy cure

ufo prod /effervescence record/delete your favorite records

uncommon men from mars

sk8boarding hurts more when you're over 30

live direct studio

uncommon men from mars

you remind me the kids i used to hate at school

live studio direct

uncommon men from mars

half burning  cigarette butts

liv studio direct

uncommon men from mars

i had way to much fun

live studio direct

uncommon men from mars

sk8boarding hurts more when you're over 30

Easy cure


une vie

casse le masque (sortie fev2013)

ronce record/kanal hysterik/kesako/punkheure/fcc/gabba resista/abraccadaboum/piketos/FRAggle rock